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Beating the heat!

Revive in 5 footbath

I'm so grateful for my feet

I'd like to give them a little treat

... and in return they'll help me beat

This overwhelming summer heat!

Hey there gorgeous!

I hope you're enjoying this vibrant summer weather. I'm trying to make the best of every moment, hot or not.

Sometimes I'm a bit slow...

Early last year I flew to Darwin to develop and launch this little range of foot bath teas with the help of some dear friends at the salon of the beautiful Sarah Johnston, who is now in the salon of the gorgeous Kelly Wilson. The amazing Ali Stringer's photography captured the blissful moments way back then and it's taken me until now to actually include them on my website! Yep... bit slow. In the meantime however, lots of folks have been delighted to receive them as a little surprise thank you gift included with their orders and the feedback has been fantastic!

Thank you for that.

So I am finally ready to say... (insert drum roll right about now)... here they are!

Air conditioned comfort

Okay, there is more exciting news to share!

At the 20 years down-the-track mark, we have installed an air conditioner in my office, for your comfort. Well actually Brad and son from Edwards Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (Coonabarabran) supplied and installed it and we are very grateful to them... and you will be too... (insert smiley face). The herbs are cooler as well. Win win.

Thankfully the mud bricks of the clinic building are pretty cooling so open windows and a fan are still good enough there. If it's just too hot though, I promise you a refreshing foot bath while we connect.

Much love to you, Jen. xo

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